Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Wizards are Weird: Some Visual Aids

I went rummaging around the internet trying to find some good examples of odder wizards, the wizards of the type you would've seen more of in the old days.

Firstly, let's start with Speculese. This is a guy from the sadly short lived Cartoon Network Short Korgoth of Barbaria. He's a weirdo. He lives in a castle. He, presumably masturbates to a dancing golden goblin wind up. He also makes ugly men make out for fun, and ends up transmogrifying his head onto the decapitated body of a beautiful slave girl.

You might also notice he's got amazing fashion sense. Bare chests seem to be a thing for the more pulpy wizard. I presume because some of them want to show off their pecs, but, with Spec here, well..

 Speaking of pecs..

This piece of artwork. Helpfully titled 'We Are Not Bringing the Wizard" comes from a Deviantart page belonging to an artist called MattRhodesArt.

I love this piece. Its kind of a perfect example of wizard as 'freaking weird guy.'   Again topless, surrounded by odd accoutrements, and seemingly not very well versed in social niceties.

And for a more modern take..

Arthur Brown.

Just.. Just whenever I watch this. I think pulpy wizard.

 I'm just going to leave that there. Especially the dance moves. Don't forget the 'tiny minds' nonsense either.

Just imagine your heroes breaking down the doors to a castle, and they have to watch this guy dance and caper like an idiot before he starts incinerating them with fireballs. Or if his dancing and capering is how he's incinerating them.

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