Tuesday, August 7, 2018

SKM Development: Complications On Resource and Food

Now that we tackled that, the question is..

What does a hex generate.

We already figured out the subsistence numbers, but now we need to figure out the resource numbers. Resource is as stated, a fancy commodity, that we can convert into either 8gp or 3:1 into subsistence.

This means that if a hex has says 2 subsistence and 4 resource (and assuming 100 pops), then we get the following

50 farmer families nets 100 subsistence.
50 producer families nets us 200 resource, which is 66.6 subsistence or 1,600gp.

If we put everyone on resource production though, we get 400 resources, which is 133.33 subsistence. So we actually get MORE food return if we just make everyone crank on resource. This seems to create a perverse incentive however, where players would be dis-incentivized to produce subsistence at all. But this is because resource, as previously stated is on a 3:1 ratio with subsistence.

Now the question we need to ask is, is this a bad thing? Is having resource be able to be accrued preferentially a terrible thing? And the answer is.. kinda. It’s bad because it creates unrealistic goofy situations.

See, the amount of food is not actually limitless. A person who saves up say 30,000 resource and decides to turn it in for 10,000 subsistence isn’t going to realistically get that much food that fast in a month.

So this is going to result in Spook adding in some additional complexity to himself.

He’s going to add in a market.

How is Spook handling the market. The simplest way possible. He’s making it a kingdom.

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