Tuesday, November 27, 2018

SKM Development: Sages

A Sage can be hired to assist research on a given topic, at the expenditure of 50gp, 2 subsistence and 5 Resource, monthly. Sages represent people who are incredibly learned, and incredibly skilled in given fields.  The expenditures represent their upkeep in better resources, food, and housing, to keep them able to focus on your crazy research.

A sage on the pay roll for a topic himself represents research funding for the topic he’s skilled with, even if no additional funding is provided to that topic. A sage is also considered to represent 10% of the RV funding himself for purposes of that discovery break down chart from the previous post.

That’s to say, if you were funding 90% of the RV of a RT in a category, and have a sage for that category, your chance of discovery is based on if you actually had 100% of the RV.  

Sages also let you see what RT is currently being researched. The Sage can also be used to discard RTs, but can only do this once until the next discovery on that topic is made. Fully funded discarded RTs remain fully funded and may still be discovered. Incompletely funded discarded RTs lose all but 10% of their RV.

You can at maximum, have one sage for each topic.

Sages, like Knights, have personalities, and each will generate rolls on a ‘Sagacious Event’ table each month. I’m going to try to unpack that more in a post on “Interesting SKM NPCs.”

This seems simple, but we have to explain Magic Research.

That one is hinky.

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