adventure outline as it stands currently is basically this.
Our heroes
arrive in town.
Their home
town at that.
They rapidly
discover that numerous things Ain’t Right ™, such as their bully having a
harried expression, married couples not being married, unmarried couples
(perhaps including such combinations as brother and sister) acting as if they
were married, and so forth.
investigation or confrontation they find out about the Hellknights. If they do
it sneakily, they find the hellknights patrolling, if they do it openly, the
hellknights in town decide to take things more direct. Always have multiple
means for information.
They learn,
either by interrogating hellknights, asking around, or just looking for the
biggest most defensible position nearby, that the Hellknights are camped out in
a base nearby.
They also
learn, from old salts, their own know-how, or the like, that there is a storm
inbound. An absolutely terrible storm. In fact, maybe this is why they were
lured back to their hometown to begin with, with rumors or godly intervention
telling them about this storm.
How the hell
do you stop a storm? Well the Hellknights (natch) are looking all over for an
ancient Walrus statue, apparently really old, that supposedly can prevent
destructive weather events and protect the area. It’s tied to ‘ancient peoples,’
who coincidentally, used to live up where the pirate/HK Stronghold is.
The party
might take advantage of their own brains, or have a chance to talk to a
particular old salt with deep knowledge about the pirate base (wonder how he
got that, huh), which will lead them to taking a sneaky way in. Alternatively,
they can smash their way through the front, and run into the teeth of the
hellknights, but that’s risky.
On the way
in they encounter a siren who lives by the river side. She’s a real prize of a
person and wants to see the town wiped out, meanwhile she entertains herself
with mind controlled HK initiates and townsfolk, who she makes dance and caper
for her. If the party comes this way, and don’t kill everybody, maybe they find
out that some of the HK are more reasonable, or why they’re here to begin with.
This means
they might run into the reasonable HK Lieutenant, who just wants to find the
walrus and stop the destruction. Unbeknownst to him, his commander has it, and
she intends to NOT use it, she wanted to die with her home and with her old
dead fiancée. And she intends to die with it by proxy when the hurricane hits,
so she’s hanging out on the roof, with routes up guarded by people ridiculously
loyal to her, the kind of blind loyalty only badass Hellknights can muster.
However, in
the depths below, an ancient shaman slumbers uneasily. His higher self
observing the dramas, and hoping the storm will strike and release him, or else
the magic walrus will be used and he will be able to break free, and attempt to
restore the lost homeland of the Tusk Tribe.
That might
be a problem for another day though. Or if the party wakes him up, he may be
able to help them.
All in all,
I think that’s a pretty solid adventure outline. Admittedly I tried to leave
options for different events, and we can’t fall in love too much with our
setpiece encounters, but the party can encounter them in various ways.
Hrm, might do
another one of these sometime!
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